viernes, julio 28, 2006

De la A a la M

Será este fin de semana?

De verdad es esto lo que quieres?.

miércoles, julio 26, 2006

Dear Isobel

It's been a long day coming and long will it last, when it's last day leaving, and I'm helping it pass by loving you more. And who he would become, all the things he'd have done, would he have loved you, and not let you down, and would he be stronger than his father. Don't punish yourself, leave it well alone. Dear Isobel, I hope you're well and what you've done is right. Oh it's been such hell, I wish you well and hope your safe tonight.

domingo, julio 23, 2006


Supongo que ahora sí has conseguido tu propósito. Espero que estés contento.